Become a Crowd Cooks Ambassador

The goal is to recommend Crowd Cooks to your friends, colleagues, etc.

For each recommendation, you will automatically receive €10 on your next box*.

Bronze Ambassadeur

1 person from your recommendation becomes a Crowd Cooks customer and you will receive an extra €20 on your next box

Silver Ambassadeur

5 people from your referrals become Crowd Cooks customers

A box will be offered to you

Gold Ambassadeur

10 people from your recommendations become customers of Crowd Cooks

Win 1 MONTH's FREE box

* If 10 people become customers, you will receive 100€ (10 x 10€) + 200€ (10 x 20€) + 350€ (5 free boxes worth 70€), that is to say up to 650€. Each discount will be done manually. You don't have to do anything, we take care of everything!


Super traiteur !


Plats délicieux et copieux


Veggie, sans gluten, sans lactose


Gain de temps incroyable


Kids love it


Super traiteur ! 〰️ Plats délicieux et copieux 〰️ Veggie, sans gluten, sans lactose 〰️ Gain de temps incroyable 〰️ Kids love it 〰️