Seafood raviolis with scampis and white wine sauce

Seafood, New

Allergens: Fish, Crustaceans, Molluscs, Milk, Eggs, Gluten, Tree Nuts, Celery, Soy, Peanuts, Sulphites

Ingredients: Seafood raviolis 44.2% (wheat semolina (GLUTEN), wheat flour (GLUTEN), FISH, crab (CRUSTACEAN), starch (wheat (GLUTEN), corn, tapioca), soy protein (SOY), salt, sugar, EGG white, palm oil, malt, EGGS, cheese (MILK), shrimp (CRUSTACEANS), broth (CELERY, SULPHITES), parsley, garlic, MOLLUSCS, TREE NUTS, PEANUTS), liquid cream (MILK), scampi 5.7% (CRUSTACEANS), white wine (SULPHITES), shallot, fish stock (salt, cod (13%) (FISH), starch (tapioca, potato), onions, sugar, corn oil, parsnips, spices, yeast extract, concentrated mushroom juice, aromas, white wine extract), chives, salt, ground white pepper

Valeurs nutritionnelles pour/Voedingswaarden per 100g : Graisses totales/Vet totaal: 15,1 g, dont saturées/Waarvan verzadigd: 9,8 g; Glucides/Koolhydraten: 20,8 g, dont sucres/Waarvan suikers :2,2 g; Energies (Kcal):249 ; Fibres/Vezels: 1,1 g; Protéines/Eiwit: 7,1 g; Sel/Zout:0,6 g.

 All the meals are made with the greatest care in a kitchen that handles celery, cereals containing gluten, nuts, milk, molluscs, crustaceans, sesame, soybeans, mustard, arachides, peanuts , pinda’s, eggs and fish